We understand and we love. We hear your prayers and we send those wise humans to assist you personally and globally. We see your struggle and wait to ask us for assistance. We are here for you, a constant energy of love and support.
It is our goal to assist with love and unify those of you who are ready to be united with each other, with us and on larger scales.
Many of you pray for peace, love and unity, however you have terms, conditions and clauses. We, Mother Mary, the other Ascended Masters and Angelics have no conditions, terms or clauses to our love.
It is of our opinion, you limit what we can do for you. Take back your conditions, clauses and terms. Open your hearts and minds to infinite possibilities you can create.
We ask you to widen your vision, your environment is a reflection of you personally. We always ask you to start with you. Everything you could ever want or desire is within you, your soul, your heart.
These are concepts and ideas we wish to share with you so you may have a better understanding of love and acceptance -
1.) Practice meditation and prayer. Meditation is opening yourself to the answer of your prayer. Write, draw, express somehow the information the comes to you from your guidance.
2.) Keep your heart open and aligned with the energy of love.
Your heart chakra is the mediator of your energy systems or chakras. When the heart chakra is open and healthy, the rest of your chakras with start to open and line up, balance.
3.) Look to your personal environment. Keep it clear, clean and organized. This will help your energy field stay clear and assist you with making clear decisions from your heart.
Doing these small steps will assist you with feeling comfortable in your human body and your personal environment. You are the savior of your own life. We are here to assist you with saving and living your life to its fullest potential.
Loving yourself unconditionally will bring you into unity with your soul, higher self, guides, angels and ascended masters and ultimately your Source.
It is the end of an era of how your communities and governments are being run. We ask you to make wise choices about who governs your communities and also to be discerning about who you choose to lead you communities and countries. Stand up and be heard to support those who will bring quality in your lives.
If you do not know who to support, ask for guidance and meditate, right down your impressions. Ask for the highest good during your prayers. This assists us with making your intentions and prayers possible. Asking for the highest good of all beings everywhere gives us unlimited possibilities to give you. What a blessing this is for you and us!
We love you! We bless you!
Mother Mary
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