Recently a death occurred on this planet that caused a stir in the minds of many on this planet. We ask that you not give this event your energy. The more energy you give to this event the bigger you make it. This man lived his life as he was taught. There are other men like him who will take up where he left off, they are here to learn many lessons. One of them being acceptance of other ways of being. How can they accept other ways of being if the energy around your earth is negative toward them? Instead of sending them negative thoughts send these men and their people your compassion and love. This will help lighten the situation.
Remember all Souls are eternal, all of you have gone through the Light and into the Darkness and back again. Send these souls Light and ask they receive unconditional love. This is the highest form of healing.
This way of being will also start to bring back your military so it may serve in other ways.
As you have been reminded by the Archeia/Cosmic Being Hope - this is your school house, this wondrous Planet Earth. All of you are here to learn how to share unconditionally.
Remember to create your intentions wisely. Choose your words with the highest and greatest good in mind.
We the Ascended masters support you in your efforts, however do not be
prejudiced in your thoughts and actions. Instead allow the people of this planet their way of being. Be the best example you can be in this lifetime, for your families, friends and acquaintances. You will see the ripple effect from this.
Remember peace, love, compassion, understanding and all the virtues reside within you. You can accept the virtues within you and live them. The first step is being truthful, where is your truth? It is in your heart. So clear the barriers you have created and live your truth. When you do this your opinion of the world changes.
Dwell on the wondrousness of this planet, be at peace with yourself and so there will be peace in your life. The peace will radiate out to the mass
Remember we love you, we bless you and we accept you for you!
Mary Magdala, Mother Mary